perm filename TEMP[RDG,DBL]1 blob sn#534518 filedate 1980-09-15 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Date:  8 Sep 1980 1000-PDT
Subject: Party
To: Damaged: ;

		Notice of the Unveiling of the Archbishop

Dear Friends,

	We have been forced to delay the party that was mentioned in
my "garage sale" message. The party will take place one week later at
eight in the evening, on Saturday, September 20.  I am sorry about the
postponement, I hope it doesn't wreck anyone's plans.
	We will be celebrating the debut of Archbishop Thomas Cranley
of Dublin, more recently of New College, Oxford. Since we moved to a
larger apartment we have the space to accomodate him; we are delighted
he will be with us. However, since he has been dead since 1417, formal
dress is optional.  (Carole notes that genuflecting is recommended.)
	In an effort to make the Archbishop feel at home, Carole and I
have been eating pigeons and roast suckling pig, with lots of mead and
cider. Every once in a while, he looks like he is enjoying himself,
but we are sure he is pining for the good old days of medieval
revelry. That is the main reason for the party.  So, come prepared for
something medieval; dress appropriately if you dare; and if you care
to, bring something medieval to drink (wine is always good) or to
nibble if you know of any medieval munchies. We will have some nice
medieval food and drink (though probably not pigeons, unless someone
loans me a bow and arrow to shoot some.)
	By the way, the Archbishop looks musical; does anyone have any
medieval music?

			We are looking forward to seeing you all.
			--Paul, Carole, and His Honor, The Archbishop.
			12D, Escondido Village (New Address!!!)
			Opposite the Bing Nursery School.